Who are "The Unrecables"

We are a non-profit, volunteer-based organization, serving the recreational needs of people with disabilities. We promote adaptive sports, and encourage people with disabilities to participate in sports, recreational, and social activities in their communities.


It is the vision of The Unrecables to be a recognized leader in a movement through which people with disabilities are accepted and respected at the same level as able-bodied people.

To have a great and significant impact on each person with a disability and reach out to the disabled community and provide inspiration, awareness and mentoring.

2024-2025 Far West Skier's Guide

The Unrecables
P.O. Box 24856
Los Angeles, CA  90024

Please include in Subject:

"I am interested in  Volunteering for The Unrecables".

Please help us raise funds using Ralphs Grocery Stores.  Please see below.

Please visit to get Unrecables clothing and swag!

The Unrecables' myshopify Store

Or click our Logo below

Click on the Ralphs Flyer above for detailed information:
Once you are logged in, you may continue to Community and Community Contributions.  The Unrecables NPO# 80831

Step-by-step website registration instructions are at

Once you register and log in, go to your account.

toward the bottom, is Community Contributions,

click on ‘Enroll Now’.

If you need help, please call Ralphs at 1-800-443-4438 for assistance.

The Unrecables 2024,  copyright. All rights reserved.