The Unrecables 2023,  copyright. All rights reserved.


Read the current issue of The Unrecables News: 
Current Issue

The Unrecables publishes "The Unrecables News" quarterly. Each issue includes our trip and activity schedule, trip forms, upcoming fundraisers and events, club news, Board member profiles, articles and stories written by our members, a calendar of events, members' birthdays, and much more.

If you would like a complimentary newsletter, please send us a note with your full name and mailing address. To continue receiving our newsletters, your membership is kindly requested. Your membership helps us offset the cost of printing and mailing the newsletters.  We also offer the newsletter online and via email.  If you'd like to receive the newsletter by e-mail, please let us know.

We e-mail "Unrecables Updates", to inform our members and the community the latest happenings in The Unrecables and L.A. Council. If you would like to be placed on our e-mailing list, please

Acrobat Reader to open and read our newsletters and forms.

Cardona Communications professionally prepares your business and club newsletters, flyers, announcements, brochures, etc. Competitive rates.   Send an
e-mail to inquire.